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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

BREAKING: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg Rushed to Hospital for Emergency Surgery TPNN.COM|BY JENNIFER BURKE

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Bring This Man to Ferguson>>> Milwaukee Police Chief’s Epic Rant on Crime Goes Viral

Sen. Chuck Schumer: Obamacare Focused 'On The Wrong Problem,' Ignores The Middle Class

Sen. Chuck Schumer: Obamacare Focused 'On The Wrong Problem,' Ignores The Middle Class

Concerning Ferguson

POTUS Goes to Chicago never mentions murder rate in his home city.

POTUS may have once again stuck something in on us. Illegals getting Medicare and Social Security?????

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Personal Message

  For those of you who have been following my blog, I have a very personal story to tell you. It will explain my absence. I suffer from a mental disorder, yes that's right I said a mental disorder. I have what's called "Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder". There is a terrible connotation when most people think of mental disorders. Lately in the media we have been bombarded by what the government should do about mental illness and those who are affected by it. I want to take some time to let you know what the true face of mental illness is.
     I guess I should start out by saying that all mental disorders are chemical imbalances in the brain and nothing more. They are not very hard to understand and most people including families don't want to deal with them. They don't take the time to learn. For most people, who have a mental disorder, that is probably be the hardest part. I have seen many people who's family basically or literally abandons them when they find out they have a mental disorder or incorrectly think they are on drugs or act in a destructive way because of not being medicated. The drugs that are required for some of these conditions are astronomically high in price. My monthly medications for these drugs is over $800 dollars a month (only  for my psychiatric medications). Without being on Medicare there would be no way I could afford these drugs and many don't. This gets me to the point of the recent events concerning those who have committed crimes of violence. While I believe that everyone is accountable for their actions, I also believe that many of these crimes could have been avoided. We can take care of other countries, immigrants, those who choose not to make something of themselves but once again we fall short of taking care of our most vulnerable in this country. It is a travesty when someone cries for help and they have to spend aggravating days trying to navigate a broken system only to be turned away because the "episode" they were suffering from has subsided for the moment. They are told that if they, at the time of the exam, are not a threat to themselves or others they cannot receive assistance or even worse are not even diagnosed properly by psychiatrists working on government contracts and not following regarded psychiatric methods.
      I very recently had a hospital stay of seven days and I am one of the very lucky. In my past I was a  drug and alcohol counselor. It was a short stint because of my illness and I  learned some valuable lessons. The system we have, at this time, is not set up to help the average person who does not know how to navigate it. It is instead set up to "weed" out those who may be "faking" a disorder. In the course of things what it has done though is let a majority of those who so desperately need help fall though the cracks of bureaucracy.
      I have been remarried for about 2 years and my wife has had to learn the "ins and outs" of how to navigate a very tough system. She has had to learn that hours on the phone may be necessary at times to insure her husband's mental well being. That the health care system she thought was there to help sometimes does not translate to mental heath care. She has had to be extremely forgiving for some of the behaviors that my condition demands within our marriage. I have learned that a person could be forgiving, also, of this very terrible disease.Just thought those of you who followed me finally deserved an explanation for the long disappearance. Look out cause I'm here now and not going anywhere.

A message to black people.

I have not for a few reasons blogged in about a year, but I felt it was time to come back. I discovered a post by a man named Frederick Wilson II. I want to share it with you.