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Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Call To Action

In respectful remembrance of the 4 brave Americans Chris Stevens, Shawn Smith, Glen Doherty & Tyrone Woods lost on 9/11 in Benghazi and the blatant lack of transparency by the Obama Administration in regards to this or ANY other matter! and to Demand a full and Complete restoration of the Constitution of these United States of America to the governing rule of law as laid out in its entirety within the Constitution of The United States of America! and to remove any and all associations with, implementations of, or adherence to any laws from ANY other nations, cultures or foreign entities Specifically but not limited to Islam !

Americans MUST become deafening in our resolve to demanding Constitutional Liberty & Freedom! America we will also be remembering the 2,974 Americans who were murdered by Radical Islamic Terrorists on September 11 2001! But this is not just About 9-11 or the current administration its about America, her people, and her Posterity

More Information at this link >

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