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Monday, December 15, 2014

Socialism: Winston Churchill

VIDEO: Muslim Fast Food Worker Threatens Customer Who Wanted Bacon on Sandwich

This happened in the same city which has just endured a jihadist terrorist taking hostages and causing the death of at least two. This video has graphic language (for that I apologize) but, I think it's important to hear the true evil held in the hearts of some Islamists. For those who do not know, some KFC locations around the world, including Dearborn, Mi., have what is termed Halal foods. These  are foods which are prayed over by an Islamic cleric and because of beliefs muslims never consume or come in contact with any pork product. I have no problem with Halal foods per se but the reaction of the cashier is the root problem. If radical Muslims are allowed to take over the dialog this is what we will be in for. Violence seems to be their only answer and, sadly, it will be the only way democratic countries will be able to respond.

EPIC: Man Describes What 2017 Will Be Like After Obama is No Longer President

Thought this was kinda what it would be like for me.


This MLK Jr Passage is Never Quoted by Jackson, Sharpton [VIDEO] Via Wayne Dupree

Don’t Let Anyone Take Your Manhood

We as black people often forget that Dr. King stood for conservative values. He wanted us to have self sufficiency and self worth. He wanted us to be defined not by what someone else thought of us. He wanted us to also not demean ourselves with the crime, drug use and black on black violence which plagues our communities. We are our own solution, we just need to figure out that fact.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Black lives Matter: So does every other life

To my followers.

I see that I am getting a number of hits on the stories I'm posting, but I want to hear from you too. Please feel free to leave comments. Try to be respectful but i want to hear both sides. Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter on the site. Let me know about content you'd like to hear about. Thanks for checking out my thoughts.

A Reason for thanks.

Gianna Jessen is a botched abortion survivor. As a result of the failed abortion, Gianna has Cerebral Palsy.
But her powerful testimony on the Sanctity of Life has been changing hearts and minds.

The Entire ‘Racism’ Narrative in the Eric Garner Case is Destroyed By One Fact That Changes Everything


See Story Below:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

So you know where I stand.

I thought this would be a good way to say goodnight.
Hope it hits a good cord with you.

Just Watch Until The End.......

Minister Goes on EPIC Rant Against Ferguson Rioters

Conservatives' bill would block Obama's deportation directive |

Conservatives' bill would block Obama's deportation directive |

Children will play with anyone until a parent tells them not to.

A Simple Prayer

Michael Brown’s Mom Accused Of Beating Grandma Over Ferguson Shooting T-Shirts

leslie mcspadden

Monday, December 1, 2014

NBA Great Charles Barkley Slams Ferguson Protesters, Defends Darren Wilson in EPIC Interview


Always leave it to Sir Charles to tell it like it is. He has never parsed words with the, sometimes sporadic, morals of the black community in the United States. While we continue to allow the behaviors that so often tend to make our communities fail, we tend to  rail at any attempts to truly fix the problem.I have been told this is because of a lack of trust in the system but, we don't want to join the system to make it better. I believe that the idiom," We control our own destinies" has no meaning whatsoever for these people. Check out the link below to see the story on Sir Charles.