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Monday, December 15, 2014

VIDEO: Muslim Fast Food Worker Threatens Customer Who Wanted Bacon on Sandwich

This happened in the same city which has just endured a jihadist terrorist taking hostages and causing the death of at least two. This video has graphic language (for that I apologize) but, I think it's important to hear the true evil held in the hearts of some Islamists. For those who do not know, some KFC locations around the world, including Dearborn, Mi., have what is termed Halal foods. These  are foods which are prayed over by an Islamic cleric and because of beliefs muslims never consume or come in contact with any pork product. I have no problem with Halal foods per se but the reaction of the cashier is the root problem. If radical Muslims are allowed to take over the dialog this is what we will be in for. Violence seems to be their only answer and, sadly, it will be the only way democratic countries will be able to respond.

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