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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hillary Caught Red-Handed Teaming Up With Muslim Terrorist Country

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I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone would even consider this woman for any political office let alone President. I just ask you to Google two things, first the name "The Alavi Group", the oversees  donors (Listed as a terrorist entity) to the campaign Hillary ran in 2008. They donated somewhere in the area of $80,000. Then look up the name Hassan Nemazee, he was the campaign finance director for the same election. He was later convicted of fraud and is in prison but that is not why he should be looked at, it is the connections with the Iranian Central Government, Bank Melli ( In 2007 an Executive Order listed this bank as a terrorist funding organization), and the Avali Group. I do not see how she can explain away why she is associated with known and active terrorists

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