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Monday, June 24, 2013

I find it ironic, that the media is trying hard to make communist countries the big boogieman again. : Via Breitbart

I find it ironic, that the media is trying hard to make communist countries the big boogieman again.

The same butt wipes that ignore the communism that is well documented in the Democratic Party.

The same media that ignored the OBAMA terrorist links to Bill Aires and his love of Saul Alinsky and other Marxist. 

The same media that ignores the fact that OBAMA was raised by self proclaimed communist. 

The same media that damn near cheered on OCCUPY WALL STREET, (correction) NO they did cheer OCCUPY WALL STREET, and made them people of the year, even though they openly called for the DEATH of CAPITALISM.

The same media that is now hiding EVERY DAMN THING OBAMA DOES, including but not limited to his support of the Muslim Brotherhood, and him turning a blind eye to the terrorist founded Boston Mosque. 

I am not distracted.  The most dangerous person in America is right now is OBAMA and the most dangerous government in the world to All Americans, our way of life, and our freedom is OUR OWN. 

Our government is now totally unhinged from the Constitution and is trampling on our rights on a daily bases, and the liberal media has cosigned our demise. 

Now they want us to look at the fact that Snowden is seeking shelter in communist countries as a national security threat? When did Communism become a threat to liberals? WHY the sudden change of opinion?

Are they now going to tell us that socialism and communism is a bad thing, and that we should not be supportive of its ideology? 

When they help us kick this half Kenyan Communist/Marxist/Fascist out of our White House, and stop supporting his polices, then I will listen. 

I see the enemy of freedom, and it ain't China, Russia, Hong Kong or Snowden. 
Michael Harris
I find it ironic, that the media is trying hard to make communist countries the big boogieman again.

The same butt wipes that ignore the communism that is well documented in the Democratic Party.

The same media that ignored the OBAMA terrorist links to Bill Aires and his love of Saul Alinsky and other Marxist.

The same media that ignores the fact that OBAMA was raised by self proclaimed communist.

The same media that damn near cheered on OCCUPY WALL STREET, (correction) NO they did cheer OCCUPY WALL STREET, and made them people of the year, even though they openly called for the DEATH of CAPITALISM.

The same media that is now hiding EVERY DAMN THING OBAMA DOES, including but not limited to his support of the Muslim Brotherhood, and him turning a blind eye to the terrorist founded Boston Mosque.

I am not distracted. The most dangerous person in America is right now is OBAMA and the most dangerous government in the world to All Americans, our way of life, and our freedom is OUR OWN.

Our government is now totally unhinged from the Constitution and is trampling on our rights on a daily bases, and the liberal media has cosigned our demise.

Now they want us to look at the fact that Snowden is seeking shelter in communist countries as a national security threat? When did Communism become a threat to liberals? WHY the sudden change of opinion?

Are they now going to tell us that socialism and communism is a bad thing, and that we should not be supportive of its ideology?

When they help us kick this half Kenyan Communist/Marxist/Fascist out of our White House, and stop supporting his polices, then I will listen.

I see the enemy of freedom, and it ain't China, Russia, Hong Kong or Snowden.
Michael Harris

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