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Monday, June 24, 2013

Why isn't Obama held accountable for his administration???

Recently, the entire uniformed leadership of the US Military was brought before the Senate Armed Services Committee on the subject of sexual assaults. They are being held responsible. So why isn’t Obama held responsible for all the scandals and questionable actions coming from his Executive Branch:I Benghazi, Boston terror attack, IRS, Fast and Furious, HHS solicitation of private funds, State Department misbehavior, Obamacare health exchange navigators, NSA surveillance, Attorney General Holder's actions against AP, James Rosen, and Sharryl Atkisson. This is all very indicting and shows a failure in the "command climate." If I were Speaker of the House, I would make a demand on behalf of the American people, and clearly articulate that "President Obama refuses to answer or take responsibility for various questionable actions within his administration. Therefore, as Speaker, I am issuing a subpoena for the President to appear under oath before the Government Oversight and Investigations Committee in order to respond to the disturbing actions of the Executive Branch, which he oversees and for whom he is accountable." And if I were President, I would appear for as long as it takes to resolve these issues, unless there’s something to hide, which all indications lead one to believe. Instead of cherry-picked interviews and scripted speeches, why not put all this to rest?

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