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Sunday, April 28, 2013

A message from BrotherCon

 You know I  have noticed that I have had quite a few hits on my blog  from countries outside the U.S.  I just felt I needed to say, for those of you who may not understand U.S. politics, I love my country. No matter who the President may be or whether I agree with their politics, it doesn't change the fact that, I believe this is the greatest country on the face of the earth. We may have very serious problems and we may be "at each other's throats" but, there is no greater place to be. I will continue to fight and speak out for the causes I believe in and this country I love. I just thought for those who don't live here, all you ever hear is bloggers or pundants complaining about the wrongs we percieve. The U.S. is still, with all it's problems, the greatest country on this earth.

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