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Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston Bomber Caught

I would first like to once again send my condolences out to all affected by the atrocious acts committed by the two men who bombed innocent people. I would also like to send out a debt of gratitude to all the first responders, investigators, police, FBI, ATF and all those who helped to kill and apprehend these two men. There has also been a report of three others being arrested regarding this case. I would ask that whatever judge gets this case keep it from being a circus. My belief is that all terrorists need to be handled by military justice. They are at WAR and our gov't officials to some degree don't even care. There has been rumours of sleepers here in the country for years and what was done nothing. Are we on the way to beinglike Israel? Suicide bombers in the cities of America are no longer an abstract thing, we have lived it now. The question is do we ban pressure cookers or protect Americans?

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