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Saturday, April 27, 2013

NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part I

If you would like to know what the true beliefs of the liberal media are, here it is in their own words. Project Veritas a couple of years ago did a sting on NPR. What was said will be eye-opening to some and some will be vindicated for what they thought was true all along. This people is where some of your tax money goes. This network that is supposed to be hey are to hidebasi the fact that of the nation, is nowhere near that. They don't even attempt to hide the fact that they are basically the propoganda arm of the Democrat Party. The fact that they would side with organizations as ruthless as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas or Islamic Jihad sickens me. Conservatives should combat the rhetoric being thrown around by these people. Mitt Romney was right during the debates, this station needs to be cut off from our tax dollars now.

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