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Thursday, April 25, 2013

So the administration finally believes that Assad used chemical weapons, so what?

What more has to happen around the world before the Obama Administration realizes we and many around the world must face evil people. I was listening to Secretary Hagel and wondered the whole time if this situation will be like the rest, nothing will be done, the administration will walk back it's promises and then someone else will have to do the continuing investigation ( United Nations ). As far as this administration is concerned, you don't attack until it's destroyed and once it's destroyed why attack. We are being viewed  as weaker and weaker  politically around the world. The influence the United States has held for many decades is eroding away. I will wait to see what decisions the administration will make in the coming days but, honestly I am not holding my breath that they will do the right  thing and start to put some heavy pressure on the Assad regime. 

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