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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Via "The Five" Fox News:The truth about the Kermit Gosnell trial

The Kermit Gosnell trial is a trial not just against this evil man, it is a trial against the murder of thousands of children every year in this country. With a president who,all but, justified the actions of this man. It is no wonder that he was aquitted of three of the seven counts against him. To not condemn the acts of this man, even if he is pro-choice, shows what kind of leader he is. The acts of Newtown were performed by an evil person and the Dems want to get rid of guns. Why isn't an unborn child as important? He had no hesitation condeming every gun owner in this country but he has aproblem with condemning the actions of a ruthless man such as Kermit Gosnell. When will this country open it's eyes? By the way, the President had a speech at Planned Parenthood and made it clear he supports what they do. The same planned Parenthood that sent a representative to a Fl. hearing to tell the legislators, "It is the mother's, families and the doctors decision whether the child born alive should be kept alive or not".

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