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Saturday, April 27, 2013

"Our lives are a disease or problem to be erradicated like the plague"

I had a discussion with a gentleman on Twitter a while ago. Interesting that, as we were having our conversation he brought up the fact that Martin Luther King had accepted an award from Planned Parenthood. When I looked into it he was right. The question I had to ask myself was, "Does the support of PP by Dr. King vindicate the murders of hundreds of thousands of American babies. Dr. King was given the award for his civil rights actions, it had nothing to do with PP as a whole. Dr. King was just used as another pawn in Margaret Sanger's crusade to, as Dr. Adolphus Knolf ( a speaker at the International Birth Control Conference in 1925)put it, "...erradicate the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril." I find it odd that the person I was talking to would associate the name of a man who, for the most part, stood for life. I would venture to say that if Dr. King knew of the genocidal tactics and the focus on low-income minorities that has become the hallmark of PP , he would not have accepted the award. It was comical when I heard President Obama ask God to "bless" PP. I cannot speak for God,obviously, but something in my heart tells me that PP is not on the list of Godly organizations. Our society is judged by it's actions and it amazes me everyday that the same people who claim to be so giving and want to help everything care more about a dogs or cats life than they do about a human being. We, as Americans, are being judged everyday by everyone, and being murders of our own children could be a lot of the reason we aren't respected around the world anymore. Just remember your President just went on TV and told the world basically we care nothing about the lives of our children. If the President has the world thinking these things, tel me, why should they not feel about us as they do?

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