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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Video Via YouTube: Kevin Jackson points out the fallacies of Obama voters

Kevin keep talking!! You are saying what needs to be said. I have been having my detractors lately. I've even been blocked from portions of my Facebook acct. It will not keep me from speaking the truth. We have a responsibility to keep up the political fight, to continue to speak up when our gov't goes against the values which made this country strong just because they want to change the constitution to suit there own needs. In Democrats, a party which, has made my people subservient once again to an entity they cannot even completely visualize. Most African Americans I talk with, if politics isn't mentioned, have fairly conservative views. The problem is that " We have always been taught that you vote Democrat". That is the death cry that has haunted us for far too long. There are many, many very intelligent and free thinking Black Men and Women that have a lot to say. If you are a black democrat take some time and listen to what we have to say, we have listened to your side all our lives.

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