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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

At War Still

      We have once again been reminded that we are literally at war right now. We, as Americans, have people who want to kill us because we are, who we are. Now I know some will probably be turned off by what I'm saying. The fact is that we are complacent in this country to a fault. When there is a crisis we jump on the band wagon, for a while, then forget all about it. If you don't believe me, ask yourself when was the last time you heard anything about the investigation into the death of Brian Terry (border Patrol agent killed by guns given to Cartels by FBI during "Fast and Furious Sting"), Any of the victims of the attacks in Benghazi ( An Ambassador, two Former Seals and a private contractor Killed by terrorists ), Saeed Abedini ( An American Citizen Imprisoned by Iran because he is a Christian ).  It's o.k. if you didn't know anything about any of these stories, but they are all 100% true. I talk to my dad sometimes and I have to
tell him to look things up. Do not just take someones word for something find out for yourself. I guess what the purpose of this particular blog was to hopefully in a very short way make people realize that we need to start remembering actual truths. What we have been doing up to now, as I see it, is just making up history, distorting facts and trying to soften a blow ( We are like the woman who has been a victim of domestic violence). We just keep coming back for the blows over and over because we don't think we know better. The sad truth is that we do know better and whether it's war, terrorism, our politicians, gun rights, race relations, the budget, immigration or education, we will not make it better until we start to face truths facing us as Americans. This is not up to the politicians, this is up to the American people. Always remember, the politicians can ultimately only do as much as we allow them. We are at war, literally in Afghanistan and on our own shores, the bombing in Boston and the risin letter attacks so far are  stark reminders. It is up to us to be vigilant, do not forget. Please check out the stories I mentioned at the beginning, they are still very important.

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