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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Black Pro Life activist sued by NAACP

The NAACP should be ashamed that they take money every year from a corporation whose sole purpose is to erradicate the very people they are perportedely in existence to help. Does the education of our black youth have to come at so high a cost? I wonder whether any of the people who say abortion is ok have ever seen one and know how horrific it is. Why is it that Planned Parenthood vilifies anyone who formerly worked for them who has a change of heart, most of the time because of what they have seen? Why is it that a monster like Kermit Gonsell was allowed to commit murder for so long before being caught. Has anyone ever questioned the secrecy involved with what is supposed to be just another medical procedure( I'm not talking about patient confidentiality, I'm talking aboutr the employees).We need to stop fooling ourselves and come to the realization that there are entities out there, that you may have thought were out for your benefit that are not. Like they saying goes, "Nothing in life is free", what price are you willing to pay?

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