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Thursday, April 11, 2013

How important are our kids

  What kind of country do we really want? I can remember growing up, in the 70's and 80's, there being a different standard for morality.I'm not by any means saying it was perfect. What I am saying is that there were limits to what "we" thought was acceptable and this way of thinking was in most shperes of society ( It crossed color and cultural lines). Now girls any age can get the abortion pill. Politicians have virtually free reign to do whatever they want. We have  a society which has gotten used to hearing about mass murders, shootings and for most the killing of an American citizen oversees is not even front page news. We don't take responsibility for anything. In the same light, we expect our kids to understand that there is right from wrong when, as a society we show them exactly the opposite.
    I heard a story about the Former Superintendent of the Atlanta school district, she and a group of teachers and staff decided to pad the grades of students throughout the district. They did this to gain bonuses for better test grades. There was no thought whatsoever as to how this would affect our young. It makes me even angrier when I fornd out that Beverly Hall was a black woman. You have to take into account that most of Atlanta is black. The crime she commited was bad enough but to target your own kids is unforgivable, in my eyes. Altogether there were 30 educators indicted. These are the same teachers who go on strike everytime they decide that the agreements their union stucture aren't good enough. When is enough, enough. I have a friend who had a problem with his kid's teacher. When he makes an appointment to go see her he gets arrested because he won't allow the teacher to demean his daughter. The police say it was because the teacher felt threatened because he told her, he was going to the media, so she called the cops. He was arrested and released. 
     We have to decide if our kids are important enough to us to fight for. I have 5 kids. They may not always be the best kids but, they do know right from wrong. This is because their mother and I teach them. Our schools are integral to the complete education of children all throughout the country but, when did the teachers get more power over what happens and what is taught to our children. We have to take control back. 

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