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Wednesday, April 10, 2013


   My grandmother used to always tell me that,"Whether you tell the truth or not, it (THE TRUTH) is still the truth." When did we get away from this fundamental idea? We have a President that still, 4+ years after being elected, blames his predecessor for all the problems he was elected to address. There is no way if a Conservative was in office there would not be a national outcry because of the state of OUR country. We have president that has allowed the media to run rampant with untrue reporting. Even when this administration is caught outright in a lie, the media goes into overtime with the same talking points that the White House spews. We were told this would be the most transparent adsministration in history. I have a challenge for you. Go on the internet and try to find specific information about the White House's spending and the money trails. I tried this and nine times out of ten, I was redirected to the White House's goverment site (you know all the spoon fed information the administration wants you to hear there are very few specifics on the site). We have four heros killed in Benghazi and a President, who, goes on vacation in Vegas instead of leading. He and his administatration take NO responsibility. The debt, the war, border patrol agents killed with guns provided by their own country, numerous criminal situations and leaks of sensitive information within his administration. When do we hold this man to the standard that a President should be held to. I know one thing, the truth cannot be changed by just saying it is not true. I will not be one of the numerous lemmings that jump off the cliff just to be with the rest. My question to you is, " What will you be?"

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