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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Welcome to BrotherCon

BrotherCon. What it means to me.

    You know so many people told me that I shouldn't  do this blog. I guess there is still a great amount of fear amongst my, "African American" (I hate that usage), peers. There have been quite a few changes in the way I viewpoliticians and  politics over the last few years. I have always had conservative views and now I want to take the time to do more.Andrew Brietbart was right about many things but especially that, we  as Americans can make a difference. As the saying goes, " All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing". It is time for us all to stand up and make our voices heard. I hope to be able to  engage in some productive debate and also hopefully entertain. Before I end this first installment, I would like to thank Wayne Dupree @newsninja2012, he was a real inspiration for me to start to do more and become more involved. Look forward to talking to you daily. Remember we all contrrol our own destinies. I'm gonna include the black conservative forum from "Hannity", I think that is the perfect start to this journey.     

Black Conservative forum from "Hannity"

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