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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bishop E.W. Jackson from Virginia

E.W. Jackson is running for Lt. governor in Va. keep your eye out for him.

Authorities investigating possible link to UK attack after French soldier stabbed in throat

Authorities investigating possible link to UK attack after French soldier stabbed in throat Read more:

R.I.P. Franklin Ward: Aug 17,1922- May 5, 2013

This is my uncle Franklin Ward. He passed away a few weeks ago at the age of 93. He was a former Army Officer and also served as the Commander for the State of New York for the American Legion. He raised my mother after she lost her parents at a very young age. This is one of my many heroes. We may not have agreed on everything in life but he was there for family, when we really needed it. His advise helped me through some of the toughest times in my life. He will be missed. This is my Memorial Day. Please let's remember those who have served and those who have given the greatest gift to us they could, our freedom.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Report: Obama admin. fought to keep Rosen warrant secret

Roger Ailes Rallies the Troops: 'To Be a Fox Journalist Is a High Honor, Not a High Crime

Roger Ailes Rallies the Troops: 'To Be a Fox Journalist Is a High Honor, Not a High Crime Read more:


Did Eric Holder Lie Under Oath to Congress?

Rep Cummins chastises IRS Chief Shulman Via NewsNinja2012

State Department official who pushed to change Benghazi storyline up for promotion

State Department official who pushed to change Benghazi storyline up for promotion Read more:

Republicans criticize Obama over call for repeal of 2001 use of force law

Republicans criticize Obama over call for repeal of 2001 use of force law Read more:

Holder probing Holder? Obama orders DOJ review over search warrant AG likely approved

Holder probing Holder? Obama orders DOJ review over search warrant AG likely approved Read more:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Re-Awakened by a little angel

Her Daddy couldn't be here for kindergarten graduation because he was killed 3 days ago in the line of duty. So her Phoenix Police family showed up and lined the walkway, cheering on Tatum Raetz, who managed to smile... even for a little. I stole this from a post on Facebook by Tess Rafols. I do not know the poster but, THANK YOU. I was thinking about getting rid of my blog, with all that is going on right now. It's funny how God lets you see things from a different perspective right when you need it. I will be blogging more, count on it. God bless Tatum and her family, the police in Phoenix and, not to forget, the people of Oklahoma affected by the recent tornadoes.
Please if you are able contact the Red Cross in your area to don ate what you can.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Real Clear Politics on Mitt Romney

From Real Clear Politics, 5/18/13

'Leno asked Romney about the Obama administration's scandal-plagued week and gave him ample time to address the AP, IRS and Benghazi investigations. After making it clear he was done in politics, Romney was given nearly ten minutes to slam Obama's handling of Benghazi and his administration's involvement in other scandals.

While discussing the IRS scandal, Romney said it is time that a special counsel be appointed to investigate. "My own view is, that a a special counsel should be appointed. Because only a special council can investigate the administration," he said.

After giving his take on how Obama handled the scandals, Romney also opined on how Benghazi may impact Hillary Clinton's chances in 2016. 

Romney often received applause from the crowd and took a few shots at President Obama, noting he is "NOT A FAN."

More here:

== == == == == == 

What a contrast to the total train wreck we have now in the White House. 

It was FANTASTIC to see and hear Governor Romney again!

Stay tuned; Part 2 is coming up. (Ann was there!)

Mitt Romney Central

★ MITT gets last laugh...

'Romney on Leno: The Biggest Question Is “No Effort” Was Made to Rescue the Americans at Benghazi (Video)'

Walking last night onto the set of the 'The Tonight Show ' with Jay Leno, Governor Mitt Romney was greeted with cheers and loud applause by an enthusiastic and appreciative audience.

Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) today writes:

'Do you remember how the state-run media ignored Obama’s failings and instead colluded to attack Mitt Romney after the Benghazi terrorist attack? The media also allowed Obama to lie to the American public following the massacre.

Well, last night Mitt Romney was asked about the Benghazi massacre on Leno.

“Clearly the State Department changing the talking points, the American people misled into what happened, that’s a real concern. And the fact that it’s been very difficult to pull out over the ensuing months. But I also think that in my own view, the biggest question, and I don’t know the answer to this, is we have American men and women serving our country in a hostile place and there was no effort to rescue them. And, some say we couldn’t have gotten there anyway. Well, there wasn’t an effort made that we know of.”'

► VIDEO: Part 1, Romney/Leno (5/17/13)
The Gov comments on the Obama administration's scandals.
Part two coming soon.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Star Parker and pastors speak out against abortion industry

Via The Independent Chronicle:Benghazi: Is it treason to hire a known terrorist to protect an ambassador?

By Paul Suliff


     America now knows as those who have stayed up on the Benghazi attack have known for many months that the US State Department  under Hillary Clinton hired operatives affiliated with Al Qaeda, a group labeled by the federal government as a Specially  Designated  Global Terrorist (SDGT). According to federal law this action  was illegal. It is also seen as treasonous.  
     According to Judicial Watch the State Department “out sourced” the security of Consulate personnel by awarding  $387,413.68  to a foreign firm for “Security Guards and Patrol Services” at the Benghazi Consulate. This contract was signed on February 17, 2012, and May 3, 2012, and at the time was identified only as “Award ID SAQMMA12COO92.”  
      Now it must be known to all who is responsible for hiring the February 17 Martyrs Brigade, (FMB) which had known relations with the SDGT, Al Qaeda.
     According to Greg Hicks’ (the State Department’s former deputy chief of mission in Libya) Congressional testimony, “Certainly, elements of that militia were complicit in the attacks….The attackers had to make a long approach march through multiple checkpoints that were manned by February 17 militia."
     Rep. Blake Farenthold (R.-Texas)  asked whether the FMB had any known ties to Islamic terrorists.
     “Absolutely,” said Nordstrom. “Yeah, we had that discussion on a number of occasions, the last of which was when there was a Facebook posting of a threat that named Ambassador Stevens and Senator McCain, who was coming out for the elections that was in the July time frame. I had met with some of my agents and then also with some Annex personnel. We discussed that.”
  Congressman Farenthold  was shocked we that we knew the group was dangerous but the State Department chose to ignore warnings. 
     Warnings like this, The FMB had regularly flew the Al Qaeda flag, posted its praise on their Facebook site and had known relations with the SDGT for months prior to be contracted to provide protect services. Understand what this means!  An Al-Qaeda affiliate was paid money to protect the Ambassador and the consulate.
     According to the Constitution, Article 2, Section 3. “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
     Engaging in paying a SDGT is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Thus whomever hired the terrorist organization did knowingly “give aid to and comfort to the enemy” and in so doing commit an act of treason.
    It is for this reason the Congressional investigation into Benghazi must result in a charge of treason, to do any less would deny the existence of a the crime against every citizen of the United States of America.
      Call your Congressmen and women, call your Senators! We must remind them their duty is clear and undeniable!

Dennis Miller: ‘A few more days like this — Obama’s going to claim he was born in Kenya’

Both should have never happened

Planned Parenthood Releases Statement on Gosnell Verdict


Planned Parenthood released a statement following the guilty verdict handed down by the jury in the murder trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell. Gosnell was found guilty on three counts of first-degree murder and was acquitted on one count. He was also found guilty of manslaughter in the death of a female patient. Eric Ferrero, Planned Parenthood Federation of America Vice President for Communications, had the following to say:
“The jury has punished Kermit Gosnell for his appalling crimes. This verdict will ensure that no woman is victimized by Kermit Gosnell ever again. 
This case has made clear that we must have and enforce laws that protect access to safe and legal abortion, and we must reject misguided laws that would limit women's options and force them to seek treatment from criminals like Kermit Gosnell.”

Read more:

Double standard? IRS targeted conservatives, despite spike in applications from labor groups

Double standard? IRS targeted conservatives, despite spike in applications from labor groups Read more:

Obama Slow Walking into Scandal Swamp

Holder lashes out at Issa during tense hearing, calls conduct 'shameful'

Holder lashes out at Issa during tense hearing, calls conduct 'shameful' Read more:

Benghazi emails show State Department had heavy hand in watering down account of attack

Benghazi emails show State Department had heavy hand in watering down account of attack Read more:

Lawmakers ramp up scandal scrutiny, Boehner wants 'jail' for IRS offenders

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hell is freezing over as we speak: Stewart Destroys Obama Over IRS Scandal, “You’ve Vindicated Conspiracy Theorists”

RNC Chairman Priebus Calls for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s Resignation

Guess things don't change, Huh??????

How Many Scandals Will It Take To Oust Obama? Via

How Many Scandals Will It Take To Oust Obama? Read more:


This just goes to prove that even with an education a person can be a complete and utter idiot. The double standards of Dems is, to be gentle, asinine. how could someone with so much education be so stupid. Remember these are the people who said they would have the most "transparent" administration. I think he was right he is transparent but not in the way the context meant. Remember even the "Teflon Don" got caught
eventually. The truth always comes out, it's just a matter of when.

Monday, May 13, 2013

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “For the first time – Barack Obama truly fears American public opinion”

Please forgive the profanity but it was too good not to post and let people see. Via :

Do I even need to explain this??????


Via Fox News: Obama calls Benghazi controversy a 'sideshow'

Doctor Kermit Gosnell found guilty of murdering infants in late-term abortions

Thank God the justice system worked to convict this evil,evil man.

Rpt: Final Benghazi talking points were White House's call

Via fox News: IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party, targeting of conservative groups broader than thought

IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party, targeting of conservative groups broader than thought Read more:

President Obama dodges questions on Benghazi and I.R.S. scandals

When will Obama take some responsibility for what goes on in his administration or in the gov't as a whole. He set up the atmosphere of "hurt all conservatives" he ran on it. As far as Benghazi goes, it is the saddest thing, as a vet, to know the Obama administration really thinks we are stupid enough to know that they LIED. They did not do everything they could have to save those men. They want us to believe that when they get caught we should just move on, nothing to see here. Even when a career diplomat (by the way reportedly a Dem) says that they men killed were thrown under the bus. Even when the political aspects see the light of day finally from the MSM. We have tough decisions to make. We have to figure out if this is the way we want our country's leadership to be. We have lost a great deal of integrity and we need to get it back. We need a President who really gives a damn about all of us and not just a vote or legacy.

Gosnell jury stuck on two of the hundreds of counts

The jury in the Kermit Gosnell abortion murder trial has deadlocked on two counts. They have been instructed by the judge to continue deliberation to try to come to a verdict.,d.cGE

What Is Happening To Our Children????

I woke up this morning to hear that a twelve year old boy stabbed his little sister to death. I wasn't exactly sure where to put that piece of information. We have dealt with school shootings, shootings at movie theatres, a five year old shooting his two year old sister,  in Detroit a grandmother in court for shooting her grandson (She was 75 and she says she was afraid of the child). I want to make sure there is no misunderstanding here, I am Pro second amendment. I list these killings because there is an epidemic of either very bad decisions or more likely a lack of any fear of consequences. I have teenagers and I will tell you they are a handful. I will also tell you that there is a parent here. I haven't always been so. I'm not saying that parents today are bad parents. We have been fooled into the idea that being a parent is not a noble thing. Duped into the lie that schools or some government bureaucrat can raise our children better than we can, as parents. I have heard case after case of a school or city, state or federal gov't entity making a decision about someones kid with ( no) improper information. Last week I heard a story of a doctor making as decision that Child Protective Services take someones child, because the parents decided to take their child to another hospital. The parents had a letter from the other doctor saying the child was fine and their child was still taken away by force. The former Superintendent of schools in Atlanta (along with a throng of other teachers and staff) is on trial for changing grades on the tests which tell whether a child has learned or not, all for money (Performance Bonuses).
             I look at what is happening around us and I wonder what can be done to save the children and parents of this country. We need to start looking at mental health care, laws that give parents more control over how their children are raised and what they are taught. We have lost the right to teach our children patriotism, faith and love of country. We have a definite right as parents to raise our children in a manner which will allow them to have discipline and respect once again. We have to do this. I hear people give lip service to the concept of saving our children. They talk about schools, money, tests, math, science, music. How about ideas that actually help these kids and parents, who are actually struggling and suffering right now. Our children deserve better than we are giving them right now.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Via Gateway Pundit: OUTRAGE! Obama Administration Allowed Radical Cleric to Curse US Navy SEAL Heroes at Funeral Services (Video & Transcript)

Via Gateway Pundit: "At the press conference today the families released video on how military brass, while prohibiting any mention of a Judeo-Christian God, invited a Muslim cleric to the funeral for the fallen Navy SEAL Team VI heroes. 
This cleric disparaged in Arabic the memory of these servicemen by damning them as infidels to Allah. A video of the Muslim cleric’s “prayer” was shown this morning with a certified translation."........

Here is the radical cleric’s curse on our fallen SEALs.
Amen. I shelter in Allah from the devil who has been cast with stones.
In the name of Allah the merciful forgiver.
The companions of “THE FIRE”
(The sinners and infidels who are fodder for the hell fire)
ARE NOT EQUAL WITH the companions of heaven.
The companions of heaven (Muslims) are the WINNERS.
Had he sent this Koran to the mountain, you would have seen the mountain prostrated in fear of Allah.
(Mocking the GOD of Moses)
Such examples are what we present to the people, so that they would think.
(repent and convert to Islam)
Blessings are to your God (Allah) the God of glory and what they describe.
And peace be upon the messengers (prophets) and thanks be to Allah the lord of both universes (mankind and Jinn). 
 For the record – Political correctness killed these heroes – then political correctness allowed them to be insulted at their funeral service.

Reports say Syria to get Russian missiles; U.S. aware of reports

I think sometimes we lose perspective in these stories. These are the specs and what the Russians are giving to a man that our own government knows has killed at least 80,000 people to date. Oh yeah and there are a few chemical weapons involved also. When did the U.S. become o.k. with something like this. We have an administration which has failed in every aspect of running this country. We need to step up and help these people. Yes, I know that there are terrorists in the midst of those who we would help but, there are also people who yearn to be able to just go to work and have a life free from tyranny of any type. They deserve our help. Just one man's opinion, what say you?
Reports say Syria to get Russian missiles; U.S. aware of reports Read more:

Thanks for 2300 Blog views in first 30 days.

Thanks for all the support. I will get better at this as time goes on. Please comment on any of the stories on my blog, I love feedback. Remember on the site you can subscribe to my blog or check out the sites of some great Americans, by using the feeds on the left.  Remember we all make a difference.
KEN "BROTHERCON" TAYLOR                                     

WATCH: RNC Benghazi Attack Ad That Never Ran

WATCH: RNC Benghazi Attack Ad That Never Ran (Just click that sentence)

Via Newsninja2012: Rep Elijah Cummings – Disrupts Early Testimony w/Rant to Protect Obama, Attacks Darrell Issa verbally!

Rep Elijah Cummings – Disrupts Early Testimony w/Rant to Protect Obama, Attacks Darrell Issa verbally! Read more: Follow us: @newsninja2012 on Twitter | newsninja2012 on Facebook

Via NewsNinja2012: Reps Maloney and Cummings Disgrace themselves; argue with Issa over access to Witnesses

Reps Maloney and Cummings Disgrace themselves; argue with Issa over access to Witnesses Read more: Follow us: @newsninja2012 on Twitter | newsninja2012 on Facebook


As most of you know I am Catholic. I support an organization called Priests for life. Father Frank Pavone has been at the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell everyday. He has a very unique perspective on the trial and on the lives that were taken. I include an e-mail from Fr. Pavone.  Although I realize this is a very sensitive subject, I refuse to be silent and have included this in my blog. If you might be interested in contacting Priests for Life please let me know.
Naming the Babies

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life:

The trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell is about much more than the man himself. In a painful way, it brings America face to face with abortion, which, as the defense argued, is "bloody" and "real."

For those who have had abortions, it brings them again in touch with a pain that is never really far away, and it brings them in touch yet again with their need for healing. This is especially true when we see what the Gosnell case has confronted us with: bodies of babies in bags and cartons in the freezer, severed feet in jars, some 45 babies retrieved in a raid on the clinic and entrusted to the Philadelphia Medical Examiner.

As Pastoral Director of the world's largest ministry for healing after abortion, Rachel's Vineyard, as well as of the largest mobilization of those who speak out about their abortions, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, I have accompanied countless mothers and fathers on their journeys of healing. And I have presided over the burials of many aborted babies.

One of the key moments of that journey of healing after abortion is when the parents name their child. The moment is powerful and freeing. Up until then, the child was a victim of de-humanization. Before we can kill, we have to dehumanize. "This is not a child,” we lie to ourselves; or we say, "This is not a child for whom I am responsible right now.” In these or a thousand other ways, a veil of dehumanization covers the child; a chasm is introduced between that child's humanity and our awareness of our need to respond to it with an unconditional acknowledgement and acceptance. But the time is not right, the burden too great, and so we keep any semblance of the child's humanity as far away from our consciousness as we can.

And that is where the power of the name comes in.

People have names. One of the first things we do when coming into the presence of another person -- or even learning about their existence when apart from their presence -- is to inquire as to their name. The name expresses the person, it invites the presence of the person, it both calls and welcomes the person, it acknowledges that there is something in common between the person and ourselves, and hence in receiving their name we offer our own.

In the case of Dr. Gosnell, we have heard of the 45 babies retrieved from the clinic. And we have read the Grand Jury Report and heard the witnesses speak of "Baby Boy A," "Baby Boy B," Baby C, D, E, F and G.

But now it's time, in our collective journey through this nightmare, to connect with these children more directly. It's time to name the children. We have no evidence that anyone else has given them a name or was interested in giving them a name. In fact, these babies were brought to an abortion facility to be killed and then thrown away. The fact that their parents abandoned them does not give us permission to do so. "Though father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me," Scripture tells us (Psalm 27:10). "I have called you by name, you are mine," the Lord says (Isaiah 43:1). As Pope John Paul II wrote, "God … has entrusted the life of every individual to his or her fellow human beings, brothers and sisters" (Evangelium Vitae, 76). From the point of view, then, that we are one human family called into being by God, these children are also ours. And that's why we can name them when nobody else has.

This is what Priests for Life has done. On Ascension Thursday, May 9, 2013, a simple ceremony was held in the chapel at the headquarters of Priests for Life in Staten Island, NY. We heard the Word of God, prayed for these babies, their families, and those who participated in their deaths. And we then named them. I chose the name "Adam" for "Baby Boy A," simply as a reminder that Adam, the first man ever created, reminds us that in each man -- and in each child -- all humanity is somehow represented, and that our response to that one person, whether acceptance or rejection, shapes our response to every person. I named "Baby Boy B" Michael, to remind us of the struggle between good and evil that rages in our culture and in our own mind and heart as we choose how we will respond to each person.

Most of the other names are gender-neutral, since we do not have information on the genders of most of the babies.

Moreover, the naming ceremony took place on this Feast of the Ascension, for on that day, the humanity that the Lord Jesus took to the heights of heaven is the same human nature shared by all of us -- rich and poor, healthy and sick, born and unborn -- and by all these babies. We remembered all the babies killed by Dr. Gosnell, well beyond those found in his clinic, as well as the over 50 million children killed across America since Roe vs. Wade declared they were not persons.

The names we gave to the 45 babies follow. We invite you to pray for them and their families, and for Dr. Gosnell and his staff. We look forward, once receiving permission of the Medical Examiner, to give these children a proper funeral and burial.

Names of the  Babies

From the Grand Jury Report: "The Philadelphia medical examiner analyzed the remains of 45 fetuses seized from the clinic. Of these, 16 were first-trimester; 25 were second-trimester, ranging from 12 to 21 weeks; 2 were 22 weeks; 1 was 26 weeks; and 1 was 28 weeks."

Baby Adam (Baby Boy A, aborted at seven and a half months, six pounds weight)

Baby Michael (Baby Boy B, killed at 28 weeks)

Baby Alex (Baby C, breathed for 20 minutes after delivery.)

Baby Chris (Baby D -- Was delivered into the toilet and was seen swimming there.)

Baby Andy (Baby E -- This baby was heard to whine.)

Baby Lou (Baby F -- This baby's leg jerked and moved after being delivered.)

Baby Pat (Baby G)

Baby Joshua
Baby David
Baby Ashley
Baby Sal
Baby Terry
Baby Sam
Baby Val
Baby Tony
Baby Ronnie
Baby Sarah
Baby Melanie
Baby Sandy
Baby Corey
Baby Drew
Baby Ryan
Baby Toby
Baby Sean
Baby Kelly
Baby Carroll
Baby Joseph
Baby Benjamin
Baby Stacey
Baby Gabriel
Baby Brett
Baby Julian
Baby Taylor
Baby Courtney
Baby Danny
Baby Kim
Baby Mandy
Baby Robin
Baby Austin
Baby Abel
Baby Michelle
Baby Lisa
Baby Shannon
Baby Nevin
Baby Connor

Kountze cheerleaders granted victory in Bible banner case

Refreshing to see there are still those out there that realize this is the United States of America and here we have rights that cannot and should not be stepped on.

State Won’t Say Who Told Clinton on 9/11/12 Benghazi was Being Justified ‘As Response to Inflammatory Material Posted on Internet’

Hillary Clinton to be subpoenaed to Benghazi hearings

Via Fox News, hillary Clinton is to be called to the carpet by the committee investigating the murders of four Americans. In an interview to this same committee following the attacks on the sites in Libya, Sec. Clinton infamously said it did not matter whether it was terrorists or just people out for a walk. Hopefully she and the President will not be allowed to skirt the real issues this time.

Benghazi attack: Hicks 'stunned' at Rice explanation

My only question at this point is, "What will Obama's administration do this time to deflect their culpability in the deaths of four Americans?" It is pretty clear already they caused their deaths.

UPDATE: Gosnell Trial: Still no verdict; Jury rehears instructions in murder trial of Philly abortion doc -

UPDATE: Gosnell Trial: Still no verdict; Jury rehears instructions in murder trial of Philly abortion doc -

Boehner calls for release of Benghazi emails as pressure grows on administration

Boehner calls for release of Benghazi emails as pressure grows on administration Read more:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stacy Swimp( President of The Frederick Douglass Society) Via Facebook post. UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!

Thank you Stacy Swimp for truly standing up for this young lady. Where are all these so called black leaders when this kind of negligent police work occurs.

I received a call from a young lady in Flint, Michigan today who I had not spoken to in a couple of months.

She is in fear of her life.

Her children's father broke into her parents home and chased her up the steps. Her father apparently was able to get the man to leave.

The police took almost two hours to respond to this and still did not go looking to arrest the criminal.

An officer actually told her: "We have real murders we are trying to solve".


I suppose they won't be satisfied until she is dead.

I am going with her to the Department tomorrow. I am also going to write a story on this tomorrow, God willing.

Finally, I spoke to a friend of mine and we are going to make sure she gets proper licence and a firearm. Thing is, she would not be able to carry if she lived in federally subsidized housing, though she is not a criminal. Thus, her life would be at greater risk due to gun regulation that targets poor citizens in particular.

So she has been let down by the police and by her government.

I will not let her down or abandon her. I will give my life for her if I have to.

#2ndAmendment #DomesticViolence #PoliceCorruption

Via Former US Marine To Testify Hillary Clinton “Tried to cut the Counter-Terrorism Bureau out of the loop” during Benghazi Attacks!

Congressman Trey Gowdy tells what to expect in Benghazi hearings: Video Via

Been a little sick

Sorry I was not able to blog most of last week. I was a little sick. When the time is right, I will enlighten you as to how. Thanks for the emails and no I didn't give up. This fight has just began.