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Monday, May 13, 2013

What Is Happening To Our Children????

I woke up this morning to hear that a twelve year old boy stabbed his little sister to death. I wasn't exactly sure where to put that piece of information. We have dealt with school shootings, shootings at movie theatres, a five year old shooting his two year old sister,  in Detroit a grandmother in court for shooting her grandson (She was 75 and she says she was afraid of the child). I want to make sure there is no misunderstanding here, I am Pro second amendment. I list these killings because there is an epidemic of either very bad decisions or more likely a lack of any fear of consequences. I have teenagers and I will tell you they are a handful. I will also tell you that there is a parent here. I haven't always been so. I'm not saying that parents today are bad parents. We have been fooled into the idea that being a parent is not a noble thing. Duped into the lie that schools or some government bureaucrat can raise our children better than we can, as parents. I have heard case after case of a school or city, state or federal gov't entity making a decision about someones kid with ( no) improper information. Last week I heard a story of a doctor making as decision that Child Protective Services take someones child, because the parents decided to take their child to another hospital. The parents had a letter from the other doctor saying the child was fine and their child was still taken away by force. The former Superintendent of schools in Atlanta (along with a throng of other teachers and staff) is on trial for changing grades on the tests which tell whether a child has learned or not, all for money (Performance Bonuses).
             I look at what is happening around us and I wonder what can be done to save the children and parents of this country. We need to start looking at mental health care, laws that give parents more control over how their children are raised and what they are taught. We have lost the right to teach our children patriotism, faith and love of country. We have a definite right as parents to raise our children in a manner which will allow them to have discipline and respect once again. We have to do this. I hear people give lip service to the concept of saving our children. They talk about schools, money, tests, math, science, music. How about ideas that actually help these kids and parents, who are actually struggling and suffering right now. Our children deserve better than we are giving them right now.

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