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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Re-Awakened by a little angel

Her Daddy couldn't be here for kindergarten graduation because he was killed 3 days ago in the line of duty. So her Phoenix Police family showed up and lined the walkway, cheering on Tatum Raetz, who managed to smile... even for a little. I stole this from a post on Facebook by Tess Rafols. I do not know the poster but, THANK YOU. I was thinking about getting rid of my blog, with all that is going on right now. It's funny how God lets you see things from a different perspective right when you need it. I will be blogging more, count on it. God bless Tatum and her family, the police in Phoenix and, not to forget, the people of Oklahoma affected by the recent tornadoes.
Please if you are able contact the Red Cross in your area to don ate what you can.

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