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Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I am a Catholic and, as you already know a Conservative. Liberals would like you to think that, as Conservatives we don't have any liberal friends. That could never happen because we are all racist, hate mongering, war happy,  homosexual haters. I submit to you that some of the arguments that may be heard from conservatives and even some liberal leaning citizens these days has nothing to do with any hate, it's just common sense and a feeling that our rights are being trampled on so someone else can be comfortable. There was never any consideration for the religious rights of Christians at all. If the gov't was to make a law that said Muslims had to serve pork if they owned a restaurant because I like to eat it, there would be an uproar, yet the gov't feels it is acceptable to do the same to Christians everyday. My friend CT is an agnostic and I believe a little Dem leaning, things have gotten bad enough that he posted some comments on a couple of situations that concerned him. I really thought hard about how I would post his comments, after a long deliberation, I chose to include his comments verbatim. I apologize for the profanity but, I thought it important to get his complete thought across. I would really enjoy hearing your comments on this post to know how you feel about it. 

Comments From CT Johnson: Two things setting off my bullshit detector
That gay couple who got denied service at Arlenes Flowers a while back? Initially had my sympathy. (also... my inner 12 year old finds something about the idea of a flower shop refusing to do business with a gay guy intrinsically funny) But hey if the gal wanted to lose money, it's her business and her ass. Freedom of association and all that.
As it turns out it wasn't as cut and dried as all that - she was actually willing to sell them what they needed, she just wasn't willing to do the onsite setup and be present - *participate* - in the wedding.
Its become more and more obvious that the whole thing was generated - ginned up media whore bullshit to advance "The Cause", because The Cause is more important than steamrolling some little old lady.
Double asinine, considering we already legalized gay marriage in Washington.
So now, extremist whack job organizations on both sides are shoving their noses in looking to attache themselves to the whole hairball - surely for purely altruist purposes, not for any publicity or anything.
So fuck those guys and their lawyer.

This "Baby Rowan" abortion thing that's going around just reeks of fake manipulation bullshit.
Supposedly some gal went in to abortion clinic in Florida (of course) to sluff her kid. Kid pops out when shes in the can, dies. Staff supposedly wouldn't help the kid she came in to have aborted. It get's better. There's Pictures and everything!
You see, despite being so heartbroken about the kid (who again, she went in to have...liquidated....The kid goes "fuck this I aint going out like that!" pulls his own ripcord early, bailing out in the restroom while mom's on the can, instead of waiting for the hatchet man. There are several pictures - well photographed, with mood lighting and everything accompanying the story. Even the abortionist got into the picture (clearly male hands in a couple of the photos) to help out with the photography - despite being all about keeping this shit secret.
I have been trying to find and actual source for this besides the usual cause related circle jerks - like an actual news outlet local to where this supposedly happened (because it WOULD be reported) but so far nothing. Even World Net Daily, which at one time, believe it or not, was fairly scrupulous about linking credible sources for things of this nature had zip.
Oh yeah, she needs money, like 3500 for an autopsy (bullshit level spiking at 11 by this point) and is being represented by a "liberty" organization I've never heard of, which surely must be reputable given the amount of fucked up ads, popups and other digital A.I.D.S on their web site.
When it comes down to it, there are enough real reasons to oppose abortion without fringe organizations concocting bullshit like this. They may see a short term jump in donations (which is what it's all about really) but it ultimately just wrecks credibility.

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