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Monday, May 13, 2013

President Obama dodges questions on Benghazi and I.R.S. scandals

When will Obama take some responsibility for what goes on in his administration or in the gov't as a whole. He set up the atmosphere of "hurt all conservatives" he ran on it. As far as Benghazi goes, it is the saddest thing, as a vet, to know the Obama administration really thinks we are stupid enough to know that they LIED. They did not do everything they could have to save those men. They want us to believe that when they get caught we should just move on, nothing to see here. Even when a career diplomat (by the way reportedly a Dem) says that they men killed were thrown under the bus. Even when the political aspects see the light of day finally from the MSM. We have tough decisions to make. We have to figure out if this is the way we want our country's leadership to be. We have lost a great deal of integrity and we need to get it back. We need a President who really gives a damn about all of us and not just a vote or legacy.

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