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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stacy Swimp( President of The Frederick Douglass Society) Via Facebook post. UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!

Thank you Stacy Swimp for truly standing up for this young lady. Where are all these so called black leaders when this kind of negligent police work occurs.

I received a call from a young lady in Flint, Michigan today who I had not spoken to in a couple of months.

She is in fear of her life.

Her children's father broke into her parents home and chased her up the steps. Her father apparently was able to get the man to leave.

The police took almost two hours to respond to this and still did not go looking to arrest the criminal.

An officer actually told her: "We have real murders we are trying to solve".


I suppose they won't be satisfied until she is dead.

I am going with her to the Department tomorrow. I am also going to write a story on this tomorrow, God willing.

Finally, I spoke to a friend of mine and we are going to make sure she gets proper licence and a firearm. Thing is, she would not be able to carry if she lived in federally subsidized housing, though she is not a criminal. Thus, her life would be at greater risk due to gun regulation that targets poor citizens in particular.

So she has been let down by the police and by her government.

I will not let her down or abandon her. I will give my life for her if I have to.

#2ndAmendment #DomesticViolence #PoliceCorruption

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