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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Reports say Syria to get Russian missiles; U.S. aware of reports

I think sometimes we lose perspective in these stories. These are the specs and what the Russians are giving to a man that our own government knows has killed at least 80,000 people to date. Oh yeah and there are a few chemical weapons involved also. When did the U.S. become o.k. with something like this. We have an administration which has failed in every aspect of running this country. We need to step up and help these people. Yes, I know that there are terrorists in the midst of those who we would help but, there are also people who yearn to be able to just go to work and have a life free from tyranny of any type. They deserve our help. Just one man's opinion, what say you?
Reports say Syria to get Russian missiles; U.S. aware of reports Read more:

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