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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Real Clear Politics on Mitt Romney

From Real Clear Politics, 5/18/13

'Leno asked Romney about the Obama administration's scandal-plagued week and gave him ample time to address the AP, IRS and Benghazi investigations. After making it clear he was done in politics, Romney was given nearly ten minutes to slam Obama's handling of Benghazi and his administration's involvement in other scandals.

While discussing the IRS scandal, Romney said it is time that a special counsel be appointed to investigate. "My own view is, that a a special counsel should be appointed. Because only a special council can investigate the administration," he said.

After giving his take on how Obama handled the scandals, Romney also opined on how Benghazi may impact Hillary Clinton's chances in 2016. 

Romney often received applause from the crowd and took a few shots at President Obama, noting he is "NOT A FAN."

More here:

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What a contrast to the total train wreck we have now in the White House. 

It was FANTASTIC to see and hear Governor Romney again!

Stay tuned; Part 2 is coming up. (Ann was there!)

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