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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Right Wing Extremists Oath

Via Newsninja2012: Always Some Truth in a Joke: Obama: "I'm Not The Strapping Young Muslim Socialist I Used To Be"

I guess the concerns of a large portion of Americans is just a joke to the current President and his media and celebrity minions.

A message from BrotherCon

 You know I  have noticed that I have had quite a few hits on my blog  from countries outside the U.S.  I just felt I needed to say, for those of you who may not understand U.S. politics, I love my country. No matter who the President may be or whether I agree with their politics, it doesn't change the fact that, I believe this is the greatest country on the face of the earth. We may have very serious problems and we may be "at each other's throats" but, there is no greater place to be. I will continue to fight and speak out for the causes I believe in and this country I love. I just thought for those who don't live here, all you ever hear is bloggers or pundants complaining about the wrongs we percieve. The U.S. is still, with all it's problems, the greatest country on this earth.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Either he's got a lot of balls or he just knows it doesn't matter!!!

Speaking at the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday, President Barack Obama made a birther joke. 

Obama was talking about how his recent appearance at the dedication of George W. Bush's presidential library inspired him to start his own legacy. He then made a quip about the potential location of his library. 
"Some have suggested we put it in my birthplace, but I'd rather keep it in the United States," Obama joked. 
He then said, smirking, "Did anybody not see that joke coming?"

"Our lives are a disease or problem to be erradicated like the plague"

I had a discussion with a gentleman on Twitter a while ago. Interesting that, as we were having our conversation he brought up the fact that Martin Luther King had accepted an award from Planned Parenthood. When I looked into it he was right. The question I had to ask myself was, "Does the support of PP by Dr. King vindicate the murders of hundreds of thousands of American babies. Dr. King was given the award for his civil rights actions, it had nothing to do with PP as a whole. Dr. King was just used as another pawn in Margaret Sanger's crusade to, as Dr. Adolphus Knolf ( a speaker at the International Birth Control Conference in 1925)put it, "...erradicate the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril." I find it odd that the person I was talking to would associate the name of a man who, for the most part, stood for life. I would venture to say that if Dr. King knew of the genocidal tactics and the focus on low-income minorities that has become the hallmark of PP , he would not have accepted the award. It was comical when I heard President Obama ask God to "bless" PP. I cannot speak for God,obviously, but something in my heart tells me that PP is not on the list of Godly organizations. Our society is judged by it's actions and it amazes me everyday that the same people who claim to be so giving and want to help everything care more about a dogs or cats life than they do about a human being. We, as Americans, are being judged everyday by everyone, and being murders of our own children could be a lot of the reason we aren't respected around the world anymore. Just remember your President just went on TV and told the world basically we care nothing about the lives of our children. If the President has the world thinking these things, tel me, why should they not feel about us as they do?

First sitting President remarks at Planned Parenthood national conference.

This is a Facebook post by Gary Bauer:
Here's a short video from President Obama's remarks at the recent Planned Parenthood national conference. These remarks were the first that any sitting president has ever made at this conference, signalling without any confusion that President Obama is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that this corrupt, deceptive, and socially harmful organization will continue to flourish under his watch.

Perry blasts California newspaper for cartoon depicting Texas plant explosion

Perry blasts California newspaper for cartoon depicting Texas plant explosion

Read more:

Via "The Five" Fox News:The truth about the Kermit Gosnell trial

The Kermit Gosnell trial is a trial not just against this evil man, it is a trial against the murder of thousands of children every year in this country. With a president who,all but, justified the actions of this man. It is no wonder that he was aquitted of three of the seven counts against him. To not condemn the acts of this man, even if he is pro-choice, shows what kind of leader he is. The acts of Newtown were performed by an evil person and the Dems want to get rid of guns. Why isn't an unborn child as important? He had no hesitation condeming every gun owner in this country but he has aproblem with condemning the actions of a ruthless man such as Kermit Gosnell. When will this country open it's eyes? By the way, the President had a speech at Planned Parenthood and made it clear he supports what they do. The same planned Parenthood that sent a representative to a Fl. hearing to tell the legislators, "It is the mother's, families and the doctors decision whether the child born alive should be kept alive or not".

NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part III

Part three of the NPR sting.

NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part II

This is the second part of the NPR Sting.

NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part I

If you would like to know what the true beliefs of the liberal media are, here it is in their own words. Project Veritas a couple of years ago did a sting on NPR. What was said will be eye-opening to some and some will be vindicated for what they thought was true all along. This people is where some of your tax money goes. This network that is supposed to be hey are to hidebasi the fact that of the nation, is nowhere near that. They don't even attempt to hide the fact that they are basically the propoganda arm of the Democrat Party. The fact that they would side with organizations as ruthless as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas or Islamic Jihad sickens me. Conservatives should combat the rhetoric being thrown around by these people. Mitt Romney was right during the debates, this station needs to be cut off from our tax dollars now.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Via Liberty News: Every Ninety-Four Seconds Planned Parenthood Aborts a Life – Obama Asks God to “Bless” Their Work

California bill would let illegal immigrants serve on juries

California bill would let illegal immigrants serve on juries Read more:

Via African-American leaders call on Congressional Black Caucus to halt amnesty immigration bill

African-American leaders call on Congressional Black Caucus to halt amnesty immigration bill

Read more:
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Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev moved from hospital to prison Via Guardian

Man suspected of being behind Boston Marathon bombings transferred to a prison at Fort Devens, Massachusetts

Thursday, April 25, 2013

We have a national crisis in character by Star Parker November 19, 2012

A message from BrotherCon: This is the direct text from a past post by Star Parker, I really hope she doesn't mind I used it here. I think this is one of the most well written explanations of what's wrong in our country and I just wanted to include it. Please visit Star Parker at C.U.R.E. They are doing some excellent work, get involved.

From Star Parker:
Here's an excerpt from a letter I received the other day from a college professor:

"Throughout this election I discussed with students the differences between ideologies. The majority of them are on federal financial aid. They are fine with more taxes as long as they will be taken care of. It is disturbing to hear that they are willing to spend their own money on tattoos and cellphones but cannot buy the book for class until the financial aid comes in."

For those who see social conservatism as an annoyance and argue that Republicans must purge this agenda from their party to survive, I say: "Think again."

If Republicans want revival, we need an honest focus on what's really wrong in America and what must be done to assure that a great nation will be standing for our grandchildren and great grandchildren.

This kind of thinking is different from polls and focus groups and clever schemes to manage media and voter turnout.

Leadership is about identifying the truth, believing it and telling it in a way that people can grasp. Then they will respond and follow.

The professor's letter provides a snapshot, a hint, of what America's most basic problem is today. It's a problem of character and values.

Having lectured on more than 180 college campuses over the last 20 years, I have seen exactly what the professor is talking about.

Of course, government is too big. But how did it get this way? Americans vote every two years. They voted every two years during the whole period over which government grew to its current unwieldy size.

With the majority of the country now on one kind of government program or another, does anybody really think we can change this without talking about the human attitudes and values that produced it?

Democrats have a much easier problem than Republicans. They are not trying to change America. The trends and attitudes that got the whole country on welfare, that produced the moral relativism that is destroying our families and character, is the platform of the Democratic Party.

Democratic politicians have just one job: Deny the patient is sick.

Republicans, if they are going to be a real opposition party, have a much tougher job.

With all the talk about this last election being driven by demographics and turnout, the most basic point is the party and its candidate did not step up as a serious, principled opposition party.

We can't save Medicare and Social Security. They are bankrupt. Did we hear this from the Republican candidate? We heard wishy-washy words about reforming these systems so we can save them.

Did we hear anything about how our public schools -- controlled by unions whose agenda is growing their benefits and promoting moral relativism among our youth -- are destroying our children and our future? No.

When Ronald Reagan was first elected in November 1980, 18 percent of our babies were born to unwed mothers. Today 42 percent are. Anyone who thinks this is not a crisis of the first order can just as easily vote for a Democrat as a Republican.

Americans just re-elected a president who opposed the Supreme Court decision banning partial birth abortion. The leader of our nation thinks it should be legal in America to kill a live, fully formed infant. What does this say about America today and our future?

There may be Republicans who think that we can ignore the crisis in character and values that underlie our fiscal crisis. There may be Republicans that think if we have a better tax system it doesn't matter if we have a country of single mothers, sexually ambiguous and confused men, and abortion and euthanasia on demand.

Ignoring these things would mean not just the end of the Republican Party but also the end of our country.

Victoria Jackson Interviews A Black Panther

Video Via YouTube: Kevin Jackson points out the fallacies of Obama voters

Kevin keep talking!! You are saying what needs to be said. I have been having my detractors lately. I've even been blocked from portions of my Facebook acct. It will not keep me from speaking the truth. We have a responsibility to keep up the political fight, to continue to speak up when our gov't goes against the values which made this country strong just because they want to change the constitution to suit there own needs. In Democrats, a party which, has made my people subservient once again to an entity they cannot even completely visualize. Most African Americans I talk with, if politics isn't mentioned, have fairly conservative views. The problem is that " We have always been taught that you vote Democrat". That is the death cry that has haunted us for far too long. There are many, many very intelligent and free thinking Black Men and Women that have a lot to say. If you are a black democrat take some time and listen to what we have to say, we have listened to your side all our lives.

Breitbart award to michelle malkin

The video is sideways but audio is great.

Via Carjack victim recounts his harrowing night with Boston Bombing Suspects

This is a story from Eric Moskowitz, a staff writer for the Boston Globe. It is one of the most eye opening accounts of the Boston Bombings suspects I have heard.

GOP Rep. Tom Cotton's Anti-Obama Speech on House Floor

“I rise today to express grave doubts about the Obama Administration’s counterterrorism policies and programs,” said the freshman congressman from Arkansas. “Counterterrorism is often shrouded in secrecy, as it should be, so let us judge by the results. In barely four years in office, five jihadists have reached their targets in the United States under Barack Obama: the Boston Marathon bomber, the underwear bomber, the Times Square Bomber, the Fort Hood shooter, and in my own state—the Little Rock recruiting office shooter. In the over seven years after 9/11 under George W. Bush, how many terrorists reached their target in the United States? Zero! We need to ask, ‘Why is the Obama Administration failing in its mission to stop terrorism before it reaches its targets in the United States?’” Rep. Tom Cotton(R)


So the administration finally believes that Assad used chemical weapons, so what?

What more has to happen around the world before the Obama Administration realizes we and many around the world must face evil people. I was listening to Secretary Hagel and wondered the whole time if this situation will be like the rest, nothing will be done, the administration will walk back it's promises and then someone else will have to do the continuing investigation ( United Nations ). As far as this administration is concerned, you don't attack until it's destroyed and once it's destroyed why attack. We are being viewed  as weaker and weaker  politically around the world. The influence the United States has held for many decades is eroding away. I will wait to see what decisions the administration will make in the coming days but, honestly I am not holding my breath that they will do the right  thing and start to put some heavy pressure on the Assad regime. 

Via Fox News: 'I saw her eyes': Mother dons a burqa, rescues kidnapped son in Egypt

'I saw her eyes': Mom dons burqa, rescues kidnapped son in Egypt Read more:

Via Fox News: CIA had Tsarnaev's name put in terror watchlist after being contacted by Russians

CIA had Tsarnaev's name put in terror watchlist after being contacted by Russians Read more:

Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial Update: Defense calls no witnesses in abortion case


If this crazy woman thinks for a minute that anyone should be concerned about her thinking that the deaths and injuries of Americans was staged, she should get some mental help. It amazes me that CNN chose to even give this woman the time of day once they found out how nuts she was. How about concentrating on the fact that if she comes back into the U.S. she will probably be arrested because she has warrants. How about the fact that she may have known about her sons' intentions long ago. In her speech and actions she appears to be just as radicalized as her sons.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev vowed to die for Islam; judge may have prematurely stopped brother's interrogation, sources say

Tamerlan Tsarnaev vowed to die for Islam; judge may have prematurely stopped brother's interrogation, sources say Read more:

Hagel says evidence chemical weapons were used in Syria

 Hagel says evidence chemical weapons were used in Syria   syria/#ixzz2RUgTbzdF


All five living presidents share a stage to honor President Bush, dedicate his library

All five living presidents share a stage to honor President Bush, dedicate his library Read more:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial Update: Pa. judge corrects charges tossed out in abortion case

Obama backs out of Planned Parenthood keynote address

 This doesn't change a thing about the fact that President Obama is supporting an organization which is one of, if not the most, prolific genicidal organization since the Third Reich. The fact that he won't even respond to questions about the abortion murder trial of Kermit Gosnell only adds to the fire. If this was supposed to be an administration of hope and change, then why is it that all we have gotten so far is change and it has not been for the good? How long will it take for the American people and our legislature to realize the immense harm this man and his cronies are doing to this country. The President chooses to support the murderers of hundreds of thousands babies. IS THIS THE WAY WE WANT TO BE VIEWED BY THE REST OF THE WORLD?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Remember When


Benghazi Bombshell Drops On Obama, Hillary


For those of you who don't understand why we are against the U.N. being in the U.S., this is why. If an American said this about another country they would be expelled.

Ricin Letter Writing Suspect Released on Bond

Via The Blacksphere: Dog Killing VS. Baby Killing

Obama's Symbiotic Relationship With the Abortion Industry

News From Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Trial: Judge Grants Gosnell Acquittal on 3 Homicide Charges | The Philly Post

Where is the justice for these murdered babies??????
News From Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Trial: Judge Grants Gosnell Acquittal on 3 Homicide Charges | The Philly Post

Gosnell's Media Cover Up: Lifeists vs. Abortionists - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Gosnell's Media Cover Up: Lifeists vs. Abortionists - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Via Virginia Black Conservatives: "Because I'm Black" MUST READ!!!

This has to be one of the most insightful things I have seen written lately. IT IS A MUST READ!!!!!!! Thanks to Benin Brown for bring it to my attention.

Wayne Dupree (Newsninja2012) : Why Liberals are afraid of Black Conservatives

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Barracuda Brigade: Toilet In Abortion Clinic Needed to be Lifted to ‘...

Barracuda Brigade: Toilet In Abortion Clinic Needed to be Lifted to ‘...: A witness testified in the Gosnell abortion-murder trial that she saw one baby expelled alive into a toilet where it “was l...

Kermit Gosnell Reused Blades From Abortions, Causing Women STDs

Kermit Gosnell Reused Blades From Abortions, Causing Women STDs


Obama Fizzles Out

Obama Fizzles Out : Love affair with the MSM and President Obama seems to be losing steam.

Kan. governor signs sweeping anti-abortion bill

I would like to send out thanks to the Governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback and the GOP led legislature. It made me smile this morning, after all the horror seen in the last few days, to wake up to this wonderful news story. Finally someone else has stood up as a state to say no more murder of our children. To make a declaration in the law of the state that "Life begins at fertilization" gives no room for dispute. I know there will always be dispute but it was a wonderful move and the restof the party should follow suit. Our beliefs and morals should not be negotiable. When we do that we diminish ourselves.

Dupree: Obama’s response to Boston reminiscent of Benghazi promise

Dupree: Obama’s response to Boston reminiscent of Benghazi promise

Friday, April 19, 2013

‘Soldiers Of Allah’: Explaining Boston Bomber Tamerlan’s Al Qaeda Armageddon Video

Via :

Boston Bomber Caught

I would first like to once again send my condolences out to all affected by the atrocious acts committed by the two men who bombed innocent people. I would also like to send out a debt of gratitude to all the first responders, investigators, police, FBI, ATF and all those who helped to kill and apprehend these two men. There has also been a report of three others being arrested regarding this case. I would ask that whatever judge gets this case keep it from being a circus. My belief is that all terrorists need to be handled by military justice. They are at WAR and our gov't officials to some degree don't even care. There has been rumours of sleepers here in the country for years and what was done nothing. Are we on the way to beinglike Israel? Suicide bombers in the cities of America are no longer an abstract thing, we have lived it now. The question is do we ban pressure cookers or protect Americans?

Boston Bombing suspect in custody

The 19 y.o. suspect in the Boston Bombingis arrested and taken away in anambulance after being coaxed out of his hiding place by negotiators from the FBI.

Breaking news: Three apprehended in Bombing case.

Fox News reports that three have been apprehended in New Bedford, Mass. They are being brought in for questioning and have not been charged with anything at this time.

Fox Breaking News

Gotta love the way Marines think.

Family Knows Best

Fox Breakin News

Fox News reporting blasts heard from area where Boston Bomber is held up could be flash bang used by police or an explosive set off by the bomber. The situation as this time is very fluid and information is still coming in.

Police in negotiations with terror suspect

 At 7:42 P.M. Fox News reports the police are actively in negotiations with the Boston Bombing terror suspect.

Boston Bomber's You tube page preached Jihad

Boston jihad bomber's YouTube page features videos by Sheikh Feiz Mohammed calling on Muslims to kill enemies of Islam

Boston jihad bomber's YouTube page features videos by Sheikh Feiz Mohammed calling on Muslims to kill enemies of Islam

Breaking News: Suspect in Bombing alive.

FBI says they found nothing when they questioned the older brother in the Boston Bombings for an undesignated foreign country.

A source for Fox News reports that the older suspect in the Boston Marathon Bombings had been questioned by the request of a foreign country which was not divulged.

FBI admits they questioned suspect in the past.

Robot being used to check boat for Bombs

Police in Watertown have sent in a remote controlled bomb disposal robot to inspect the boat where the suspect in the boston bombing was shot.. On going story more to come.

Breaking News Via Fox News: Marathon Bombers

An ambulance has been dispatched to the area in Watertown where Fox News reports the suspect in the Boston Marathon Bombing was reportedly pinned down in a boat before witnesses in the area heard between 20 and thirty shots. A woman in the area noticed that a boat which had been search earlier had been tampered with. She called police and they researched the area resulting in a gun fight, in which, the suspect was shot. It is unclear whether the suspect is alive. More info soon.

Breaking News: Boston Bombing suspect has been shot via Fox News

Fox News reports that suspect in Boston Bombing has been shot it is unclear yet whether the suspect is deceased. There were as many as twenty shots heard by witnesses in the area. More info to come.

Gunshots heard in Watertown, Mass.

Breaking News Via Fox News: Shots have been fired and police responding.

Boston Bomber Update

Any information about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's whereabouts should be called in to 1-800-CALL-FBI

Prayers go out to Slain M.I.T. police officer slain by Boston Bombers

BREAKING NEWS: Bombing Manhunt



LIVE Streaming VIDEO and Updates - Boston Coverage of Manhunt for 2nd suspect

LIVE Streaming VIDEO and Updates - Boston Coverage of Manhunt for 2nd suspect

Via Fox News: Ties between Islamic extremist groups and Chechnya well-documented

Via Newsninja2012: Alvi Tsarni, 2nd Uncle Of Bombing Suspects Yesterday He Called Me, asked...

Boston Bombing suspect

Bombing suspect killled.Manhunt underway for the second Bombing suspect,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Search and rescue efforts under way in Texas fertilizer plant explosion,as death toll remains unclear

Via Fox News:

Day of dialog via Victoria Jackson Show

Victoria Jackson: Why Conservatives in entertainment don't speak up.

I hope she doesn't mind but I felt obliged to include this clip in my blog of The Victoria Jackson Show. Please check her show out. 

Soldier Being Assaulted Caught on Tape

Soldier Being Assaulted Caught on Tape

President Obama was none too happy at the prospect of us having our constitutional rights.

President Obama was none too happy at the prospect of us having our constitutional rights. For the first time, in a long time, congress actually stood for what the people wanted. (Well enough at least to stop the gun legislation the left was proposing.) It is strange to see a President (let alone a grown man) acting in the way he did. Where is the togetherness, where is the transparency, where is the change? I guess they went the same way as the bi partisan actions he said he would take when he campaigned. I still wonder exactly what he meant when he said that he would do what needed to be done with or without congress. This is the same senario we have allowed for far too long. It is time for our legislators to get some backbone and do what's right.

Say What!!! 24 IRS workers charged with lying to get unemployment, food stamps, welfare benefits

Say What!!! 24 IRS workers charged with lying to get unemployment, food stamps, welfare benefits

Kerry on Benghazi attack, "I don't think anyone lied to anyone more important things to move on to".

If the murders of four Americans is not important to the State Dept. or the current administartion it speaks volumes about what they think of us.

Tragic week in America

  I would like to take just a few words to send my condolences to all injured the families of those taken from us by the Boston bombibg and the Fertilizer plant expolsion in Tx. May God bless your families and make your sorrow short lived.

Saudi Arabian national mistakedly suspected of Boston Bombing talks to "The Blaze"

THE HAPPY SAUDI IS REALLY TALKING TODAY!! From the Blaze, link is below: The Saudi National who Blaze sources say at one point was going to be deported, allegedly spoke to a well-known Saudi news outlet explaining his situation and how events unfolded after the Boston bombings. According to him, officials apologized “profusely” and even promised him “special health care.” Hospital and “security officials” also provided him with an international phone to call his family in Saudi Arabia after he lost his during the bombing and he was in contact with the Saudi Consul-General. The information comes from and says it includes the account of Abdul Rahman Ali Issa Al-Salimi Al-Harbi, or Alharbi. Steven Miller, a research associate with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies translated the article for TheBlaze. “I was in a state of panic and fear, so I did not think of anything except trying to picture what happened to me, until I realized, hours after I entered the hospital, that my mobile phone fell from me during the explosion…,” the outlet quotes him as saying, describing the scene immediately after the bombing. “I spent a day and a half without contact with my family in Saudi Arabia or any of my colleagues, until hospital management and security officials provided me a phone to communicate with my colleagues. But I couldn’t remember any number, as I lost my mobile phone at the site of the marathon. I asked to contact my father in the Kingdom, so they provided me a phone with international service, and I had my first contact with my family.” The outlet then explains that “Al-Harbi confirmed that his first communication after the bombing with [anyone] outside of his family was with the Saudi Consul-General in New York, Azzam bin Abdulkarim al-Qin,” who provided Alharbi with a list, compiled by local American officials, of Saudis injured in the explosion. “Regarding allegations of his detention in a confined room at the hospital because he was a suspect, Alharbi denied that,”the report says, quoting him as saying, “‘Quite the contrary. In fact, officials apologized to me profusely about what happened, and they assured me that I would receive special health care, and expressed their willingness to meet my needs.’” Alharbi’s apartment was searched the night of the bombing, with images of authorities hauling out articles being plastered on the news. “Regarding his interrogation,” the article goes on to say, “he clarified that security officials asked him to focus on what he saw before the bombings, and on the nature of the event [to see] if he remembers what happened around him…he thanked American authorities who refuted media allegations about his status as a suspect…” Immigrations and Customs Officials have denied the claims made by a Blaze source that the government was considering deporting Alharbi despite questions of his involvement immediately after the bombings.

Video of Boston Bombing suspects

Remember, they're still only suspects. The video above shows them both walking. The FBI says only the one with the backwards hat placed the bombs.

Supreme Court Hears Case Arguing Federal Gov’t Power to Rule Citizens ‘From Cradle to Grave’

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Suspect in ricin letters addressed to Obama, senator arrested

Suspect in ricin letters addressed to Obama, senator arrested

Ricin Mailings arrest Via

" Today at approximately 5:15 P.M. (CDT), FBI Agents arrested Paul Kevin Curtis, the individual believed to be responsible for the mailings of the three letters sent through the U.S. Postal Inspection Service which contained a granular substance that preliminarily tested positive for ricin. The letters were addressed to a U.S. Senator, the White House and a Mississippi justice official."

At War Still

      We have once again been reminded that we are literally at war right now. We, as Americans, have people who want to kill us because we are, who we are. Now I know some will probably be turned off by what I'm saying. The fact is that we are complacent in this country to a fault. When there is a crisis we jump on the band wagon, for a while, then forget all about it. If you don't believe me, ask yourself when was the last time you heard anything about the investigation into the death of Brian Terry (border Patrol agent killed by guns given to Cartels by FBI during "Fast and Furious Sting"), Any of the victims of the attacks in Benghazi ( An Ambassador, two Former Seals and a private contractor Killed by terrorists ), Saeed Abedini ( An American Citizen Imprisoned by Iran because he is a Christian ).  It's o.k. if you didn't know anything about any of these stories, but they are all 100% true. I talk to my dad sometimes and I have to
tell him to look things up. Do not just take someones word for something find out for yourself. I guess what the purpose of this particular blog was to hopefully in a very short way make people realize that we need to start remembering actual truths. What we have been doing up to now, as I see it, is just making up history, distorting facts and trying to soften a blow ( We are like the woman who has been a victim of domestic violence). We just keep coming back for the blows over and over because we don't think we know better. The sad truth is that we do know better and whether it's war, terrorism, our politicians, gun rights, race relations, the budget, immigration or education, we will not make it better until we start to face truths facing us as Americans. This is not up to the politicians, this is up to the American people. Always remember, the politicians can ultimately only do as much as we allow them. We are at war, literally in Afghanistan and on our own shores, the bombing in Boston and the risin letter attacks so far are  stark reminders. It is up to us to be vigilant, do not forget. Please check out the stories I mentioned at the beginning, they are still very important.

Letter sent to President Obama positive for Risin

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We're Not Uncle Tom's - We are Proud Black Conservative Americans Who believe in Freedom - VIDEO

We're Not Uncle Tom's - We are Proud Black Conservative Americans Who believe in Freedom - VIDEO

Letter sent to Rep. Wicker (R) from Mississippi positive for Risin

Gosnell involved in the death of nine women 40 years ago

Abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell has been involved in terrible practices for decades. Where was the government that claims to care so much?

BrotherCon Podcast 04-16-2013

Prayers to those affected by Bombing in Boston

Transparency what a joke!!!!!

This is what the President was doing while people were going about their peaceful day. It is sad the people of America were attacked twice in the same day.

Transparency?? Who is President Obama kidding?

Well the President has done it to us again. When we least expect it, when he is supposed to be leading, he signs a bill which will make it impossible to tell what virtually anyone the Executive, Legislative or Judicial branches of our government. Just in case you don't understand, he basically told you that whatever he and his cronies engage in is  none of your damn business. This has taken all the teeth out of a bill which was designed to protect the American citizens from our legislators and their staffs gaining from insider trading. This is not important to a President who, makes up his own rules as he goes.

Black Pro Life activist sued by NAACP

The NAACP should be ashamed that they take money every year from a corporation whose sole purpose is to erradicate the very people they are perportedely in existence to help. Does the education of our black youth have to come at so high a cost? I wonder whether any of the people who say abortion is ok have ever seen one and know how horrific it is. Why is it that Planned Parenthood vilifies anyone who formerly worked for them who has a change of heart, most of the time because of what they have seen? Why is it that a monster like Kermit Gonsell was allowed to commit murder for so long before being caught. Has anyone ever questioned the secrecy involved with what is supposed to be just another medical procedure( I'm not talking about patient confidentiality, I'm talking aboutr the employees).We need to stop fooling ourselves and come to the realization that there are entities out there, that you may have thought were out for your benefit that are not. Like they saying goes, "Nothing in life is free", what price are you willing to pay?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Pray for Boston and America

Photo: Pray for Boston & America tonight! Good night Patriots!


Vet defies city flag code

Kevin Jackson: Let's just Boston what it is a terrorist attack

Lets call boston what it is a terrorist attack Kevin Jackson.

Online scammers already using fake Boston Marathon charities

Prayers to victims in Boston

I would just like to send out prayers to all affected by the atrocious acts commited today. May we all as Americans continue to pray for the victims and their families. May we also pray for the first responders and those who have to investigate these terrorist acts. May they be able to bring these people to justice for their crimes. God Bless America.

Boston Police: No Arrests Have Been Made In Marathon Bombing (UPDATE)


        Today answered the question, as to, whether we are safe in this country today. We have ( those who didn't see this coming ) had our eyes opened one again. This is not a safe world and with a weak administration, which considers terrorism workplace violence, we are viewed as weak throughout the world. We need leadership which will get back to the premise that the United States of America will not be attacked and will protect their citizens. Will our congress finally get off their butts and start to lead? Republican, Democrat or Independent, if you are in congress, you need to fix this mess we are in. The people have had their fill of you letting our country go to pot.

BREAKING: Terrorists Explode 5 Bombs In Boston, Killing Many, Injuring Countless

It's OK To Have Southern Pride!

Kevin Jackson: It's o.k. to have southern pride

Marine Vet fined $300 a day for flying U.S. military flags.

What the hell is wrong with the way we think when a decorated Marine gets fined for showing love of his country. Colosimo1.jpg

BrotherCon 4-15-2013